First official post of 2016! Here is a simple video by Evan Carmichael that features Shah Rukh Khan who is a famous actor in India. In the interview, Shah says "I keep it simple like what they say in America I keep it real" Basically what he meant was that instead of focusing on how something you do will have a big impact, focus on telling a good story or produce something good with the intention of you actually enjoying it. If you try too hard to do something big, you will fail. Like an actor who accepts a role based on the character and doesn't really care if the movie ends up as a flop. There are a ton of films out there, they are considered good just because of one person's performance. You don't need 500 million dollars to make a good movie, Robert Rodriguez's first film El Mariachi was critical acclaimed and he made it with 7,000 dollars the film would gross 2 million dollars. I think it's best to keep it simple because if it gets complicated you will overthink so much that you lose sight to what you really want to do.
Evan Carmichael - Keep It Simple
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